Monday, February 28, 2011

My kids are NOT nice and I am pathetic

Zachary is drawing a wonderful picture of our dentist. In one hand is the mirror, the other is the "hooky thing he checks your teeth with."  My jaw clenched. Mallory, my sweet, innocent little pink bunny, keeps thinking she should remind me I should start getting ready for my dentist appointment. Shoulders up to my ears, jaw still clenched. Then comes Dylan. "Oh yea, you have a dentist appointment today!" 50 times. Still going. If I clench my jaw or tense any other part of me any harder I'm going to compress into a flat slab of human being. Wait, if I'm still a human being then I still have to go to the appointment!! Zachary just drew the nice appointment chair. He's putting lots of detail into it, and OH there's the shelves "where he keeps the flavors of that goo stuff!" Ouch. No nothing happened, I'm just anticipating. Dear Lord, let Dylan have driving privileges just for today so I can take a Valium. Would it fly if I cancelled due to anaphylactic shock cause I'm allergic to the smell of the office?? Just had to smile and tell Zach I love his picture. I think I'll be okay....I think. At least I think I think I'll be okay. Nah, nope-I don't believe that at all no matter how many times I say it, but I'll go anyway.True courage, right????

Bet you want to know what I'm having done, don't ya. Nothing. Literally, nothing. This is me worked up over getting my teeth just looked at to decide what work should be done. Don't think I can't hear the laughter....hmmmm, maybe this is why people don't take my dental recommendations seriously? This is why I'm not mentioning his name in my post, cause that would be almost as not nice as my children are being today.


  1. Freak ;) I LOVE the dentist!! I suppose statistically speaking that actually makes ME the freak. Hmmmm...

  2. you LOVE the dentist?? Wow, now I have even more reason to want to be like you when I grow up :-P I do like my dentist personally, and even as a dentist he is wonderful...its "the dentist" I don't like!


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